Previous Entries

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Evenings @ Government House, Fall 2022 Season

We are happy to announce that Evenings @ Government House will return this fall. There is a new lineup of speakers and performers showcasing the culture, history and heritage of our province. As always, events are free and open to the public. All sessions take place at Government House (1451 Barrington Street). Please see the event and registration details below. Evenings @ Government House, Fall 2022 Nocturne Halifax: Nova Voce at Government House and First Floor Tours Date: Saturday, October 15th Time: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Description: We are pleased to join the Nocturne Festival and...
Monday, September 19, 2022

A Tribute to Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Click Here to Download Her Majesty's Memorial Service Booklet . Since receiving the news of Her Majesty's passing on September 8 th , we have felt deep sorrow over the loss of a beloved Sovereign, but also overwhelming gratitude for her unfailing devotion to all Canadians and people throughout the Commonwealth. On behalf of all Nova Scotians, the Lieutenant Governor gives heartfelt condolences to His Majesty King Charles III, and all members of the Royal Family, who undoubtedly feel her absence during this time of mourning. On February 6 th , 1952, the then Princess Elizabeth ascended...
Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Provincial Commemorative Service for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

A public, multi-faith memorial service for Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be held at the Cathedral Church of All Saints on Monday, September 19, at 2 p.m. His Honour the Honourable Arthur J. LeBlanc will deliver a eulogy and Premier Tim Houston will give a tribute to the late Queen. Queen Elizabeth II served as Canada’s head of state for 70 years and will long be remembered for her outstanding dedication to Canadians and all people of the Commonwealth. “Her late Majesty’s reign embodies the importance of commitment to one’s community and country,” said...
Saturday, September 10, 2022

Accession Proclamation Ceremony at Government House

Today marked a historic moment at Government House. The Lieutenant Governor, Premier, members of the Executive Council and Chief Justice, Indigenous leaders, and representatives from the Canadian Armed Forces and Royal Canadian Mounted Police gathered for the Accession Proclamation Ceremony. The Accession Proclamation was issued under the Great Seal of the Province and announced the accession of the new Sovereign, King Charles III, King of Canada. A message from the Governor General was also read, which formally announced the passing of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Premier and the...
Thursday, September 8, 2022

Passing of Her Majesty The Queen

The Lieutenant Governor has received official word confirming the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada. On behalf of all Nova Scotians, the Lieutenant Governor extends his deepest condolences to His Majesty The King and all members of the Royal Family. Queen Elizabeth II’s extraordinary reign has been characterized by a sense of duty and devotion to a life of service. Public and voluntary work was a top priority and she served as a Royal Patron or President to over 600 charities. “Her Majesty’s reign embodies the importance of commitment to one’s...
Friday, September 2, 2022

Public Tours at Government House, Fall 2022

Government House is open to the public for guided tours through the month of September. Join us every Friday - Monday at 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Admission is free and the guided tours are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Tours take place every 30 minutes, on the hour and at half past. The tour offers visitors a glimpse of the main floor of Government House. Guests will view the Main Foyer, Grand Staircase, Ballroom, Morning Room, Drawing Room and Dining Room. Visitors are welcome to take photographs throughout the tour. Location Government House is located at 1451 Barrington Street in...
Monday, August 15, 2022

Garden Party in Annapolis Royal, August 25th

Their Honours are delighted to invite all Nova Scotians to a Platinum Jubilee Garden Party at the Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens on Thursday, August 25th from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM. The celebration is co-hosted by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, the Town of Annapolis Royal and the Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens. The event recognizes Her Majesty's 70 years of service to all Canadians and individuals throughout the Commonwealth. The event is free and open to all. Admission to the Gardens will be waived for this public celebration. Advanced registration is not required to attend...
Thursday, August 11, 2022

National Acadian Day Celebration at Government House

All Nova Scotians are invited to Government House for a Flag Raising Ceremony to celebrate National Acadian Day on Monday, August 15th at 8:30 AM. We will raise the Acadian Flag to celebrate the rich history, heritage and culture of the Acadian people. We also recognize their contributions to our collective identity as Nova Scotians and Canadians. Refreshments and a continental breakfast assortment will be served at the ceremony. We hope to celebrate this special day with each of you. Location: Government House is located at 1451 Barrington Street in downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia. Parking:...
Monday, August 8, 2022

New Date: Outdoor Movie Night at Government House

Movie Night Rain Date: Wednesday, August 10th at 8:30 PM Due to the weather forecast, we have rescheduled the outdoor movie night to Wednesday, August 10th at 8:30 PM. We will be screening The Royal Journey in the backyard garden at Government House. The movie is free and open to all. The film captures the five-week visit of Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh to Canada and the United States in the fall of 1951. Stops on the royal tour include Québec City, the National War Memorial in Ottawa, the Trenton Air Force Base in Toronto, a performance of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet in Regina...
Friday, August 5, 2022

Nova Scotians Receive Platinum Jubilee Medal

On August 4th, more than 60 Nova Scotians were awarded with The Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal in recognition of significant service to the province. The medal recipients represent a broad cross-section of Nova Scotians who have contributed to diverse fields and organizations, particularly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. “Her Majesty’s reign embodies the importance of commitment to one’s community, and the Platinum Jubilee Medal honours those who have demonstrated an unwavering dedication to their professions and the wellbeing of the province,”...
