Previous Entries

Monday, March 11, 2024

Message from His Majesty The King for the Commonwealth Day Service of Celebration

The seventy-fifth anniversary of The Commonwealth is a moment to reflect on the remarkable journey that our unique family of free and independent nations has made since 1949. Last year, The Bahamas celebrated its fiftieth anniversary of Independence, as Grenada has this year, and Papua New Guinea will next year. Each of these milestones – and many others like them – represent the fulfilment of countless aspirations and the achievement of such remarkable potential. And the Commonwealth’s growth, with new members continuing to join our family of nations, demonstrates clearly...
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Lieutenant-Governor’s Award of Excellence for l’Acadie and Francophonie

Les candidatures sont maintenant acceptées pour le Prix d’excellence du lieutenant-gouverneur pour l’Acadie et la francophonie. Le Prix est décerné dans les trois catégories suivantes : un francophone, un francophile (une personne non francophone qui appuie la langue française et la culture francophone et qui en fait la promotion) et un jeune lauréat de moins de 25 ans. La date limite pour soumettre les candidatures est le 8 mars. Pour plus d’information et pour obtenir les formulaires de mise en candidature : . . . The submission period for the 2024...
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Evenings @ Government House with Martine Jacquot

Register today for an evening with novelist, poet, essayist, and short story writer Martine Jacquot! The event will take place at Government House (1451 Barrington Street) on Tuesday, February 20th at 7:00 PM. A dessert reception will follow the session. Ms. Jacquot was the President of the Conseil Culturel Acadien de la Nouvelle-Écosse for three years and created the magazine ARTcadie. Her work is part of the Littérature acadienne and she is one of the few Acadian authors of short stories, including the collections Sables mouvants , Des Oiseaux dans la tête , and Les enjoliveurs du temps ...
Monday, February 5, 2024

A Message from the Lieutenant Governor

Today, the Province of Nova Scotia holds His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty Queen Camilla in our thoughts. As The King’s representative in Nova Scotia, I send best wishes for healing and recovery following the statement issued by Buckingham Palace regarding His Majesty’s recent diagnosis. King Charles III is widely known for his passion for the environment, youth initiatives, volunteer and military service, and of course, carrying on the established legacy of service. These areas touch the lives of all Nova Scotians and we appreciate the advancements that have been made...
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Winter 2024 Season: Evenings @ Government House

We are happy to announce the Winter 2024 Season of Evenings @ Government House! Join us for a series of free, public events that celebrate the culture and heritage of Nova Scotia. Seats fill quickly! Register today to save your spot! Registration Details : Online Registration Form: Click here Email Registration: P hone Registration: 902-424-7001 Winter 2024 Season : ** Friday, February 9th at 7:00 PM ** An Evening of Poetry and Music with George Elliott Clarke and PO2 Nevawn Patrick Dr. Clarke and PO2 Patrick will debut a song that honours the legacy of Viola Desmond...
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Thank You, Nova Scotia!

Thank you for your generosity, Nova Scotia! Guests at the New Year's Day Levée, along with members of the Household, our team of AdeCs, and staff at Service Nova Scotia, collected over 290 pairs of socks for the North End Community Health Centre . The socks have been delivered and will be distributed at foot care clinics over the coming weeks. The North End Community Health Centre was established 50 years ago in response to health services needs in Halifax's North End. Over the years, it has grown to offer primary health care, pre and post-natal care, dental services, social work,...
Monday, December 11, 2023

2024 New Year’s Day Levée

Save the date! Nova Scotians are invited to attend the annual New Year’s Day Levée at Government House (1451 Barrington Street) on Monday, January 1st from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM. The event is free and open to the public. Invitations or advanced registration are not required to attend. During the Levée, guests will exchange New Year’s greetings with the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. LeBlanc while visiting the oldest vice-regal residence in North America. Support the Local Community Government House will be collecting new, clean socks to support mobile outreach health services and foot...
Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Lieutenant Governor Recognizes Excellence in Public Administration

The Province’s Deputy Minister of Health and Wellness, Jeannine Lagassé, has been named the 2023 recipient of the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration. The medal is presented annually to a person in public administration who exhibits the highest standard of excellence, dedication and accomplishment. “For over 25 years, Jeannine Lagassé has provided essential leadership and cemented relationships between the government, health authorities and healthcare partners,” said Lt.-Gov. Arthur J. LeBlanc. “She has demonstrated courage and...
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Canadian Coast Guard Exemplary Service Medal Investiture

Members of the Canadian Coast Guard were recognized for exemplary and long-standing service during a ceremony at Government House on 28 November 2023. In 1991, Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II created the Canadian Coast Guard Exemplary Service Medal to recognize individuals for long and outstanding public service. Recipients have served for twenty, thirty, and even forty years. In a profession where personal safety is often at risk, a career spanning multiple decades is inspirational and something to be celebrated. The 2023 recipients are: Canadian Coast Guard Exemplary Service Medal,...
Friday, November 10, 2023

Remembrance Day 2023

This weekend, we remember those who have lost their lives while answering the call to serve our province and our country. We also recognize our veterans and all individuals who wear a uniform, as they have done much to defend our freedom and ways of life. There are no words to adequately thank those who have chosen a life of service. This level of commitment to fellow Canadians is not work that can be hung up at the end of the day, or even at the end of a career. Today and on all days, we offer our respect and heartfelt gratitude to those who have made such significant sacrifices. As a...
