Speeches, gifts and departure


If the host organization would like the Lieutenant Governor to bring greetings or offer remarks to the assembled guests, then this should be noted in the original invitation request. Typically, the Lieutenant Governor will speak for approximately three to five minutes on a subject that is related to the host organization or the event being held.   

When completing the Questionnaire, the organization must indicate that they would like the Lieutenant Governor to speak and offer guidance on the topic/theme or provide key speaking points. Please note that the minimum timeframe for requests for the Lieutenant Governor to speak is between four to six weeks.   

Key points to note are: 

  • A podium with light and microphone must be provided for use by the Lieutenant Governor.
  • The Questionnaire should indicate the other speakers who are scheduled to give remarks. If the Lieutenant Governor is speaking as one of a group of dignitaries, bringing greetings, or is the keynote speaker, the Lieutenant Governor is generally the last to speak; however, this sequence may be modified to the Lieutenant Governor speaking first if the event and number of speakers warrant a change in sequence. When in doubt, please check with the Aide-de-Camp or the Office of the Lieutenant Governor.
  • The Lieutenant Governor’s Communications Advisor may contact the host to request additional information to assist with the preparation of the speech. 
  • If remarks by the Lieutenant Governor are not scheduled for the event, under no circumstances is the host or another guest to request that the Lieutenant Governor speak or offer informal remarks once the event is underway. 
  • As a rule, advance copies of the Lieutenant Governor’s speech are not available. Other speakers may contact the Communications Advisor for information on the content of the Lieutenant Governor’s speech.  Similarly, a copy of the speech is not usually provided to the host after the event. The Communications Advisor is pleased to provide any quotes if requested.


If presenting a gift to the Lieutenant Governor during an event, please notify the Office of the Lieutenant Governor in advance. It is customary to present an unwrapped gift, so it may be easily viewed and shown to the audience without delay. As a federal public office holder, the Lieutenant Governor is unable to accept gifts of a value greater than $200. Donations of items to Government House are not bound by these rules and automatically become part of the Government House Crown Collection once accepted.


At the conclusion of an event, the emcee will ask guests to rise for the official departure of the Lieutenant Governor. Once the Lieutenant Governor and the Aide-de-Camp leave the room, the event can continue. On occasion, the Lieutenant Governor may re-enter the room (informally) and mingle briefly, departing at his leisure. No announcement is necessary.

For plays and concerts, the emcee will ask the audience to stand when the Lieutenant Governor leaves the theatre at the end of a performance. No announcement is necessary for intermissions.

Following a convocation or graduation, the Lieutenant Governor and the Aide-de-Camp will lead the procession from the platform.

The departure of the Lieutenant Governor should not interfere with the continuation of an event. The Aide-de-Camp will ensure the host(s) are informed in advance of the departure of the Lieutenant Governor, so they may rejoin him for farewells.


A suitable parking space should be reserved for the vehicle of the Lieutenant Governor at the entrance to the building where an event is being held.