Registration is open for the final event of Evenings@Government House on Tuesday, 24 April 2018. To commemorate the centenary of many women attaining the right to vote in NS, Dr. Heidi MacDonald will speak on this important step in the suffrage movement.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Nova Scotia has a long and contradictory history of strong suffrage support and strong suffrage opposition.  Most notably, in 1893, a relatively broad bill to give qualified Nova Scotia women the vote passed second reading in the Nova Scotia Legislature, but was unscrupulously rejected at the committee stage. It seems the near passing of that bill – long before comparable political success in other provinces – may have shored up the opposition in Nova Scotia so effectively that it took another 25 years to muster the necessary support to get the bill through the final stage. This presentation will reveal the complex and contradictory suffrage and anti-suffrage forces in Nova Scotia from the pre-Confederation era until the 1918 bill that returned the vote to qualified women, from whom it had been formally taken away in 1851.

This event is free and open to the public. 

To register, phone 902-424-7001 or go to: