Message from the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia on the Explosion in Beirut, Lebanon
Mrs. LeBlanc and I are shocked and greatly saddened to learn of the explosion that occurred in Beirut on 4 August 2020 that has resulted in so many deaths and injuries. This is a serious blow to a nation that was already experiencing difficult times.
This terrible event has touched many people of Lebanese descent who are citizens of Nova Scotia. We know that they are worried about the impact of the explosion on their loved ones and fellow countrymen and women, and I have been impressed with the many offers of assistance to Beirut that have emanated from Nova Scotians.
The explosion resonates with the people of Nova Scotia as it reminds us of the devastating Halifax Explosion that occurred on 6 December 1917, when nearly 2,000 people were killed and over 9,000 were injured. At that time, it was widely thought that Halifax would never recover; however, the people of that time displayed great resilience, courage and strength, emerging from the ruins to rebuild their shattered city. My experience and knowledge of the wonderful Lebanese is that they too will overcome this dreadful calamity and will rise strengthened from the devastation.
We offer our sincere thoughts and prayers to the people of Lebanon and those Lebanese who now call Canada their home.
The Honourable Arthur J. LeBlanc, ONS, QC
Lieutenant Governor