Over the last 60 years, successive Lieutenant Governors have established a number of citations and awards as a way to recognize the outstanding achievement of Nova Scotians of all ages. These are often presented in partnership with provincial, community and professional organizations, helping to build an understanding of the important connection between the Crown and all citizens of the province.
- Lieutenant Governor’s Education Medal (1961)
- Lieutenant Governor’s Award of Excellence in Public Administration (1986)
- Lieutenant Governor’s Awards for Excellence in Architecture (1989)
- Lieutenant Governor’s Award of Excellence in Engineering (1996)
- Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Conservation (1997)
- Lieutenant Governor’s Nova Scotia Talent Trust Award (2002)
- Lieutenant Governor’s Greenwing Award (2003)
- Lieutenant Governor’s “Ready to Write! Prêt à écrire!” Award (2005)
- Lieutenant Governor’s Teaching Award (2005)
- Lieutenant Governor’s Masterworks Arts Award (2005)
- Lieutenant Governor’s Community Spirit Award (2007)
- Lieutenant Governor’s Persons with Disabilities Employer Partnership Award (2009)
- Lieutenant Governor’s Volunteerism Award (2013)
- Lieutenant Governor’s Respectful Citizenship Award (2013)
- Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Excellence in Nova Scotia Wines (2014)
- Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Culinary Excellence (2019)
- Prix du lieutenant-gouverneur pour la francophonie de la Nouvelle-Écosse / Lieutenant Governor’s Nova Scotia Francophonie Award (2020).
Lieutenant Governor’s Education Medal (1961)
Administered by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Students are nominated by their school based on academic performance and qualities of leadership and service demonstrated in their school and community.
Open to all grade 11 high school students.
Traditionally presented by the Lieutenant Governor at special ceremonies around Nova Scotia. Awarded annually.
Lieutenant Governor’s Award of Excellence in Public Administration (1986)
Administered by the Institute of Public Administration of Canada, Nova Scotia Regional Group, to recognize exceptional achievement in public administration and to encourage quality service in all levels of government. The Award consists of a certificate and silver medal. Nominations are sought from government and academic organizations each year.
Traditionally presented at a ceremony in Government House. Awarded annually.
Lieutenant Governor’s Awards for Excellence in Architecture (1989)
Administered by the Nova Scotia Association of Architects, to encourage and recognize outstanding architectural design by members of the Nova Scotia Association of Architects. Each year, the Association invites all architects in the province to submit work for the Annual NSAA Design Awards. Certificates with designations of Award of Excellence, Award of Merit, and Citation in Architectural Design may be made by the jury, based on overall excellence.
Traditionally presented at a ceremony at Government House. Awarded annually.
Lieutenant Governor’s Award of Excellence in Engineering (1996)
Administered by the Association of Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia, presented to an individual, a company, government department or consortium who through original achievement, creative accomplishment in engineering or excellence in engineering design, demonstrate high quality of professional standards. Awarded annually. First presented in Government House during National Engineering Week, in March of 1997. Traditionally presented at a ceremony at Government House. Awarded annually.
Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Conservation (1997)
Instituted and administered by the Nova Scotia Salmon Association, in recognition of leadership, achievement, interest and concern in protecting and preserving our Nova Scotian rivers and the salmon and trout which inhabit them. Awarded annually.
Lieutenant Governor’s Nova Scotia Talent Trust Award (2002)
Instituted and administered by the Nova Scotia Talent Trust, in recognition of individuals who demonstrate exceptional commitment and potential to become established artists. Awarded annually.
Lieutenant Governor’s Greenwing Award (2003)
Instituted and administered by Ducks Unlimited Canada, in recognition of individuals and groups who have taken leadership roles in promoting public awareness of conserving the wetlands and associated habitats of Nova Scotia for the benefit of waterfowl, wildlife and people.
Lieutenant Governor’s “Ready to Write! Prêt à écrire!” Award (2005)
Instituted and administered by Canadian Parents for French - Nova Scotia, and sponsored by Université Sainte-Anne, as an award for high school students in the public, private or home school system within Nova Scotia who are studying French as a second language. The award celebrates the ability of young Anglophone Nova Scotians to communicate effectively in French.
Lieutenant Governor’s Teaching Award (2005)
Instituted and administered by the Nova Scotia's Teachers Union to celebrate the positive influence teachers have on students and the communities they serve. NSTU teachers or administrators currently active in the Nova Scotia public school system or community college are eligible for nomination. Established by the Honourable Myra Freeman CM,ONS, MSM in 2005 and reinstated by His Honour Brigadier-General The Honourable J.J. Grant, CMM, ONS, CD (Ret'd) Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia in 2013.
Lieutenant Governor’s Masterworks Arts Award (2005)
Instituted and administered by the Arts Award Foundation to recognize a masterwork in any medium from dance to film by a Nova Scotia artist or group of artists. Awarded annually.
Lieutenant Governor’s Community Spirit Award (2007)
Instituted by the United Way of Halifax and currently administered by the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage, the Lieutenant Governor's Community Spirit Award celebrates the power, strength and diversity of vibrant communities across Nova Scotia. It profiles their achievements and increases their visibility through a formal recognition program.
Up to four Nova Scotian communities are honoured each year. Recipients are chosen by a selection committee based on community applications that best fit the award’s criteria. Communities selected for the award promote citizen engagement, civic pride and a positive outlook on the future.
The Lieutenant Governor will visit the winning communities to participate in the celebrations and present a hand-crafted crystal award. Awarded annually.
Lieutenant Governor’s Persons with Disabilities Employer Partnership Award (2009)
Instituted and administered by the Collaborative Partnership Network, to recognize Nova Scotia businesses that have made outstanding commitments to accommodate persons with disabilities in the Nova Scotia labour market. The Award spans several categories which recognize employers, the self-employed, and employer/employee collaboration. The Award consists of an inscribed crystal keepsake.
Lieutenant Governor’s Volunteerism Award (2013)
Administered by the Nova Scotia Community College, to recognize first year NSCC students who have demonstrated a commitment to community involvement and service to others.
Lieutenant Governor’s Respectful Citizenship Award (2013)

Administered by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to recognize young people who show outstanding leadership and commitment to fostering inclusive environments in their schools and communities. The award is open to students in grade primary to 12 who attend public and private schools, are home schooled and registered with the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. The award is presented annually by the Lieutenant Governor.
Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Excellence in Nova Scotia Wines (2014)
Administered by the Winery Association of Nova Scotia and Taste of Nova Scotia to recognize the very best Nova Scotia wines. An independent panel of experts participate in a blind tasting of all the wines submitted for consideration to select three to five of the best wines regardless of varietal or year. The awards are presented by the Lieutenant Governor at a ceremony held at Government House. Awarded annually.
Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Culinary Excellence (2019)

Administered by the Nova Scotia Community College to recognize culinary excellence, this recognition features four awards, one at each NSCC campus offering culinary programming. From the four award recipients, one student is selected to receive the top honour, including a medal for culinary excellence. The recipients are assessed on academic performance, dedication and commitment to the culinary profession, and community involvement. The awards are presented by the Lieutenant Governor at a ceremony at Government House. Awarded annually.
Prix du lieutenant-gouverneur pour la francophonie de la Nouvelle-Écosse / Lieutenant Governor’s Nova Scotia Francophonie Award (2020).
Administered in conjunction with the Nova Scotia Government Office of Acadian Affairs and Francophonie, this award recognizes individuals whose social, economic or cultural contributions make a difference in the Francophone community and in Nova Scotia as a whole. The award will be presented in three recipient categories, with one individual recognized in each of the following categories: a Francophone; a Francophile (a person who is not a Francophone but who supports and promotes French language and/or culture); and a young Francophone or young Francophile (a person under the age of 25). The inaugural award ceremony will be held in March 2021.