Message from the Lieutenant Governor on National Day of Honour
On this National Day of Honour, we pay tribute to our fellow Canadians who served in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014. Members of the Canadian Armed Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, various municipal police services and numerous government departments came together throughout the conflict in an unprecedented manner to help the people of Afghanistan.
Veterans of Afghanistan join a long patrimony of military service, courage and dedication that stretches back more than two centuries. We are all the more reminded of the Canadian tradition of service this year as we mark the centennial of the beginning of the First World War and the seventy-fifth anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War.
We owe a debt of gratitude to all who served. Above all, we must remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice and the families whom they left behind.
Brigadier-General The Hon. J.J. Grant, CMM, ONS, CD (Ret’d)
Lieutenant Governor